Vesti bune pentru Retezat !!!
Astazi a avut loc la Viena intalnirea AGENT GREEN cu reprezentantii Holzindustrie Schweighofer. Partile au agreat sa formalizeze in cel mai scurt timp posibil angajamentul companiei prin care aceasta refuza copacii din Parcuri Nationale, precum si un sistem de trasabilitate (traseul lemnului din padure pana la produsul finit), prin care sa se faca dovada respectarii deciziei luate.
Urmatorul pas va fi o intalnire intre Ministerul Mediului, Holzindustrie Schweighofer si AGENT GREEN pentru a pune bazele angajamentului.
Today in Vienna, Austria, AGENT GREEN meet the representatives of Holzindustrie Schweighofer. The parties have agreed to formalize as soon as possible the company’s engagement to refuse trees from national parks. At the same time a traceability system to empower the decision, will be designed and implemented. The next step is a joint meeting with the Ministry of Environment in order to set up the framework for creating leverage for Schweighofer and other companies that wishes to refuse trees from national parks.