Tentativa de omor asupra investigatorului Agent Green 24.05.2015

[separator headline=”h3″ title=”Asociatia AGENT GREEN este revoltata de modul extrem de violent in care oameni implicati in taierea padurilor inteleg sa actioneze.„]
AGENT GREEN este o organizatie care investigheaza si expune crimele de mediu pentru a facilita dialogul si schimbarile pozitive.
Non-violenta este principiul care sta la baza tuturor activitatilor organizatiei.
Investigatorul AGENT GREEN s-a deplasat pe Raul Alb in urma mai multor sesizari de la iubitorii de natura si dupa vizionarea petitiei initiate de biologul Calin Dejeu din Cluj Napoca pentru salvarea Raului Alb, cel mai salbatic din Europa si amenintat de taieri de padure si constructii aberante direct in albie
(Petitia a strans peste 100.000 semnaturi).
Avand in vedere ca investigatorul si ghizii locali recomandati de biologul Calin Dejeu au fost batuti chiar la sosire, nu au putut fi culese niciun fel de informatii despre taierile de paduri.
In timp ce ghizii, adevarati eroi locali, au reusit sa se salveze, investigatorul AGENT GREEN a reusit sa scape de pumni, suturi si pietre doar dupa ce o masina a celor atacati a lovit din greaseala un atacator.
Investigatorul AGENT GREEN a suferit lovituri puternice la cap, torace si la mana stanga in urma carora acesta s-a ales cu fractura de coaste, leziuni in partile laterale si din spate ale capului, precum si un deget rupt.
Cu toate acestea AGENT GREEN va continua investigatiile pe paduri insa va regandi modul in care poate asigura siguranta echipei avand in vedere ca politia locala nu a facut dovada ca isi face pe deplin treaba, iar in padure situatia scapa cu usurinta de sub control.
De asemenea AGENT GREEN accidentul in urma caruia un atacator a fost grav ranit, iar un ghid local a fost batut cu rani foarte grave si este ingrijorata de starea sanatatii acestora sperand la insanatosirea lor.
In ceea ce priveste declaratiile de presa, avand in vedere starea de sanatate a investigatorului AGENT GREEN, acestea pot fi oferite de avocatul Bogdan Tudor, telefon 0743553569 care reprezinta organizatia pentru plangerea penala pe care a depus-o la politia Hateg pentru tentativa de omor.
[separator headline=”h3″ title=”AGENT GREEN is outraged about the extreme violent manner that people involved in forest logging underestand to act.„]
AGENT GREEN is an organization specialized in performing investigations and public exposures of environmental crimes to facilitate dialogue and positive change.
Non-violence is the main principle of the organization.
The AGENT GREEN investigator went to Raul Alb area following several complaints made by nature lovers and the petition initiated by Calin Dejeu, a biologist from Cluj-Napoca City. The petition aims to save Raul Alb, Europe’s wildest river, currently threatened by logging and the construction of micro hydro power plants.
Considering that the AGENT GREEN investigator and the local guides (recommended by biologist Calin Dejeu) have been attacked and beaten upon arrival in the Raul Alb area, no information on logging could be collected at this stage.
While some of the guides (real local heroes) managed to save themselves, the AGENT GREEN investigator could escape from punches, kicks and stone hits only after one attacker was hit by mistake by the car of those who have been attacked and trying to escape. The AGENT GREEN investigator managed to protect his face but has suffered heavy hits in his head, toracal area and hands that caused broken ribs, lesions on both sides and the back of his head and a broken finger.
AGENT GREEN will go on with forest investigation but will rethink the way its team may stay safe while local police cannot be trusted and situation in the forests may easily spiral out of control.
Least but not last, AGENT GREEN regrets that the bad health conditions of one of the attackers hit accidentally by a car and of a local guide mutilated by the attackers. We are worried and hoping for their recovery.
Considering that the health status of the AGENT GREEN investigator is not yet satisfactory due to head injuries (and possible merging complications), press statements will be made by Bogdan Tudor / lawyer, phone no. 0040743553569. He represents the organization for the criminal complaint that has been submitted for murder atempt at the Hateg city police station.